John was born and raised in Omaha, NE. After attending college in Wichita, John traveled the country as a fraternity consultant and spent a year abroad. In 2007 John moved to Saint Louis and took a position at Boeing. After earning his MBA from WashU, John took a position with Rabo AgriFinance, where he worked in management and corporate strategy.

In 2017 John decided to take a leap and leave the corporate world in order to join Danielle in building a real estate business. John brings to the business a passion for homes and an analytical approach to the financial decisions, contracts, and home condition that helps his clients make informed decisions as they buy or sell.

In his free time, John enjoys spending time with family, running (especially trail running), hiking and golfing with friends. His favorite countries he's visited are New Zealand or Argentina and he dreams of taking the family on a multi-day backpacking trip on one of the "Great Walks" in New Zealand.

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